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Leadership in Education

What do we need to succeed?


Dear colleagues!

           The upcoming school year is focusing the attention of scientists, trainers and teachers of Kazakhstan on issues of leadership development in education. By definition, leadership develops the human potential, helps  to create a friendly, motivated and curious group, in which the leaders and their followers collaborate, conduct  thorough and balanced assessment of their activities (reflection), and together they learn as members of one team, guided by common goals and taking specific roles with the attendant obligations (online at

          In this sense,  each school should be established collaborative environment supporting the possibility that each member of the school community, from the director to the student  was able to practice in a leadership role. Perhaps now we can see the potential leaders only in some teachers, however, being  creative, we can offer every  teacher  the opportunity to become a leader.

So  I suggest  you to  discuss  following questions:

1. How can we motivate teachers to take more functions and role of the leader?

 2. Why  don’t  the teachers  want to take  new responsibilities / functions  of a leader?



Комментарии (30)

Карипиди Тамара,

Кари.пиди ТД

The school leaders have a vital role to play in achieving increases in students'outcomes.I think the most important direct effect on student learning is what happens in classrooms which is essentially mediated by teachers.That's why school teachers need to know how to teach well and to be able to help their own teacing team.There are seven important roles of a school leader which will be developed through the workshops, school based work. They are:have a clear vision and goal,build a strong team,create and sustain a positive culture, communicate vision,direction and accomplishment, look after the team, build internal and external support,maintain the focus on teaching and learning.The teacher must create emphasis on skills because it has important implications for teacher education. To acieve this,the 21st century skills movement calls for greater collaboration among teachers.When teachers are able to work together then they are able to share good idears and amplify the effects of all their teacing approaches.It is very important that the ideas penetrade classrooms is a massive undertaking.If we use the seven practicalities we can have a success.

Швец Татьяна,

   We must set before itself the responsible problem - to be a leader in education. 
The future is determined and formed by leaders. Often we talk words leader and leadership, when we think of presidents, prime ministers, about the deputies of parliament, passing an act, about people with beautiful titles that get a large salary. In this connection it is often talked: you are not yet ready, your opinion does not have large weight, sit and wait the turn while leaders will decide for you.
  Such leadership and such leaders do not give birth in governmental cabinets and halls of parliament. The real leadership begins in our schools. Leaders give birth here! Therefore, we must convert our schools into schools of leaders. Only it is so possible to obtain leadership in education, leaderships in life. For this purpose a teacher must become the real tutor, teacher of the real leader. It obligates to the great deal: to the persistence in gaining end, education in itself top leader qualities, tolerance and deep spirituality. Leader it is possible.

Сычева Валентина,

How do people become leaders? With experience, with age, with or from birth?Antonio Meneghetti, a renowned scholar and founder ontopsychology, author of the book "The Psychology of a leader," is convinced that the leader of birth is certain inclinations, but that does not mean that this person will be the leader. To be a leader, it is necessary to achieve the appropriate level of culture, education, life experience and professionalism. Meneghetti identifies the following factors that create a true leader of people with certain inclinations:
First, it is a culture and education.
The second is the ability to overcome the stereotypes. This requires internal maturity. The leader must be able to rise above traditional values.
The third is knowledge of its hidden potential.It turns out that true leadership - it is work, work and work again. First of all, work on yourself. A congenital makings of a leader - is the inner potential that we need to subdue and send in the right direction, otherwise the next leader of the yard football team born leader will not do.P. Senge, in his book "The Fifth Discipline: the foundation of the Learning Organization" to the question "How are the leaders?" Answers: "There are people in general can not be created, because they create themselves."In conclusion, the value leader in the company included in its culture and remain there even after the departure of the leader. This conclusion is primarily talking about social responsibilities that a leader takes over, he realizes it or not. He has a real impact on the lives of dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people because they all live in a system that created them in a system that acquires and makes sense only because of him.

I think that teachers don't want to assume the leader new to responsibility / function first of all because on shoulders of each of us heavy freight already lies. Somebody thought of that, how many hours the working day of the teacher (lessons, the cool management, writing of plans of lessons next day, check of writing-books etc.) makes and how many thus he sleeps? Idea of leadership in education quite interesting subject and it is necessary for our education system. Competences and receptions put in it will help to make each lesson better and consequently the knowledge and ability of pupils is more better. I think that when we will receive the first results in this direction and fuller picture of functions of the leading teacher, not in words, and in practice, wishing nevertheless will appear. Our teachers have enough creativity.

Юрина Екатерина,

Interesting questions, but if the teacher has passion to his/her work, it's the base for our leadership. Sometimes we musn't go with posters and loud words and tell about our ideas, but our work is so interesting that other teachers and students want to do it with you. from my point of view, it's impossible to make someone to do something because in this situation the person will be follow you but without interest and willnes.

Акашева Жанар,

We should break the stereotype to motivate teachers take the leadership responsibilities. The teacher best of all knows the problems and difficulties during the education process. The group of interested teachers has to make lesson studies jointly, propagandize and engage to their work another teachers. The teachers will see the positive results and will come with their new ideas.

Nowadays, teacher has to do not only their own professional responsibilities, but a lot of different functions as well. Every day he fills many papers. That is why just very enthusiastic teachers take the role of leaders which is not paid now. Leaders have to communicate not only in web. It is important to have meetings in real life because the live chat inspires for further work.


Карипиди Тамара,

Туктарова Р Я

I think a central role of teacher leaders is one of helpinn colleagues to try out new ideas and to encourage theme to adopt leadership roles. For teacher leadership to be most effective it has to encompass mutual trust and support. This view of leadership is federal. It is a view that both tight and loose: tight on values but loose on the freedom to act, opportunity to experiment.

  School leaders provide opportunities for teachers to participate in decision and lead in school development. And collaboration between teachers has been foundto be a necessary concimitant of school improvement and change as well a contributory factor to school effectiveness.

 Besides research by suggests  that empowering teachers through teacher leadership  improves their self efficacy iin relation to pupil learning. Teacher expectations directly relate to pupil achievement hence strengthening self-efficacy is an important contributary factor of teacher leadership.

But I think there are also many barriers to taecher leadership(organisational, professional )

Туктарова Роза Яхитовна, Гимназия № 9 п. Осакаровка, Карагандинская обл

Козыбаева Улбосын,

Муканова Айгерим  г.Сатпаев

The school leaders have a vital role to play in achieving increases in students  ‘outcomes. The future is determined and formed  by leaders. Often we talk words leader and leadership I think that teachers dont want to assume the leader new to responsibility / function first of all because on shoulders of each of us heavy freight already lies. Somebody thought of that, how many hours  the working day of the teacher (lessons, the cool management, writing of plans of lessons next day, check of writing-books etc.) Idea of leadership in education quite interesting subject and it is necessary for our education system. I think the most important direct effect on student learning is what happens in classrooms which is essentially mediated by teachers. That’s why school teachers need to know how to teach well and to be able to help their own teaching team. Leaders have communicated not only in web. It is important to have meetings in real life because the life chat inspires for further work.     


Испулаева Алмагуль,

You are right, Aigerim.

There are a lot of activities that teachers must to do,And of course  the teachers need to know how to teach well and they do all the best in order to reach it. How do you think is it enough for teachers  as a leader work only with the students in their class? 

Испулаева Алмагуль,

Dear Rosa Yakhitonva

  To my mind that in each starting there are some difficulties. So working together sharing our ideas, giving advice  or just support  we can overcome  all barriers. As  you noticed most of teachers  and school leaders changed their mindness, and  I think they will do all the best to  support us in organization of our acivities. I want to remind a proverb like 

"You never know what you can do till try". And we started. 

Бимбетова Мейрамкул,

Leadership - a real tool for the effective management of the process of reform of school education through the creation of certain conditions necessary to improve the quality of learning and development of students. Leadership develops the human potential , helping to create a friendly , motivated and curious group , in which the leaders and their followers collaborate , conduct a thorough and balanced assessment of its activities and learn together as members of one team , guided by common goals and taking specific roles with attendant obligations.
The leader must raise more leaders , not posledovateley.V every team there are teachers who are constantly improving pedagogical skills . Teacher - leader of the striking features dedication, constant self , resilience in difficult situations of conflict and school life.
Position as a leader in the teaching staff is very difficult : the leader - always pervoprohodchik , and he dares to try , examines and chooses not yet proven techniques and methods . He was always in the fight for something contested recognized , albeit positive , but out-of-date . This means that it rejects those that positive hit .
Leader overcomes inertia , he is always in the struggle with himself , continuing to improve, ahead of themselves and sometimes at odds with the fact fought for . Hence the task of a healthy team with a creative atmosphere - to see and recognize the leader, and the leader of the goal - to captivate their ideas, discoveries fellow teacher workshop.
The teacher - leader has a positive effect on the team with his personality . He communicates with colleagues , share with them your concern, but if it does not, then focused his energy - whether it's excitement or lively interest - has a positive effect on others.
For the business as a teacher - leader include the organization , discipline, reliability, flexibility , commitment , initiative , independence , responsibility and capacity for intelligent risk.

Испулаева Алмагуль,

Dear colleagues,


 I think Meiramkul Tleybayevna has given a full characteristics of leadership, the role of teacher as a leader / In fact the teacher is responsible for training  and education of young people because  the teachers and the students are parts of system, all of which contribute to shaping their individual values and attitudes.How do you understand teaching and learning from international perspective?



Almagul Bkitovna, leadership - it is a role that is suitable only for executives? I  think, that  leadership is also the ability to manage their own lives. The skills that are inherent in the present leaders: the ability to make decisions, the ability to plan, coordinate, hard work, responsibility, commitment, and more, we apply in our own lives. You can be a leader and do not control other people. Leadership is needed in the family. In the  family the leadership is to understand their children, his half. At work, even if you perform most routine work, leadership is doing the work well. Leadership is a dedication to his work.

Leader – is a person who thinks so, as others don’t  think, and do what others do not. Leadership - it's not the destination, leadership - is the way. Leadership - it is not something that is given to you in a beautiful package, leadership - it's hard work over itself in the first. Leadership - is the process of improving himself and his qualities.

   The basis for writing was served  the chapter «Myths» from the book «The Business Handbook»  by Dexter Yager with Doyle Yager


Жекебаев Саян,

 Olga Vladimirovna!

 You said : ''Leader – is a person who thinks so, as others don’t think, and do what others do not''. I think that the leader first must to share his version with others, in other case,  it is an authority.  One leader is no leader. He must join people and create an effective team.

Ибадельдаева Жамиля,


You are both right.  ''Leader – is a person who thinks so, as others don’t think, and do what others do not''+ "He must join people and create an effective team"= LEADER

  But we can argue: "Do teachers make LEADER? "

 "Does the retinue make the King?"-no it doesn't work here...

Новик Полина,

Good evening, everybody! Interesting topic, isn’t it? So…

How can we motivate teachers to take more functions and role of the leader?

Just like an  idea^I think that for motivate somebody to do something it’s necessary to show him or her the right Perspective. Answering questions: what will my students or I get if I’ll take more functions? Why should I do this?  will help a teacher to take more functions and role of the leader.

Дуйсебаева Данагуль,

"... One leader is no leader. He must join people and create an effective team."
Good evening,colleagues! Dear Sayan! I absolutely agree with you that the only one soldier in the war will not be able to fight. This proposal has the same meaning. There is no one to lead.


Hello everybody!


I believe that a good leader must be generous enough to share his/her ideas (not wanting to do everything in secret, alone), must be humble enough to accept if he/she makes a mistake (then accept it and improve), must be a big fighter for achieving his/her goals.... however this is worthy for nothing if there is no people who have trust in him/her and give support in the convenient time. To achieve this leaders should be great team-players as well. 

Completely different issue, what is the real goal of a person to become a leader....   

Hello Flora!

     I am very glad to communicate with you. First I would like to say that it was very interesting for me to read the information that you published in your profile ( in the part of INTERESTS).  In the process of your work you have been in many countries of the world (like Mongolia, Barcelona,Hungary,   Kazakhstan and Russia). Your participation in our discussion  means that you have best qualities of a Leadrer. It is interesting for me what  activiteis did  the head of school where you worked use for developing leadership among the teachers? 


Hello Olga!

I am very glad to participate in this discussion too. I will try to give a very clear answer to your question...

The most important thing to say, is that hierarchy, collaboration, and team spirit has got a very different meaning in every country. In the Western countries people's perception about the power in general is very different then in Central Asia, or even in Russsia.

First of all, I must say, that Murager is far the BEST school where I have ever worked. I always felt encouraged and inspired from all the head teachers (and everybody in general) I had the opportunity to collaborate with. For me the experience to work in Murager changed my whole point of view about collaboration between teachers and head teachers.

My answer to your question will be very short: It's all about money. I could write it in a nicer and longer way, but this is the truth. In Western countries the only activity to develope leadership among teachers is to give them more money and freetime. Moreover, teachers simply know, that if they don't do their work correctly, they will get fired, so to avoid this situation they do their best. Therefore the idea of 'making activities for developing leadership' is very rare in European schools, although there are some (very few) exeptions. I think in the Usa the situation is rather different, but I don't really know about it that much.

However, here in Russia, the situation is very different. Here the head of school and the head teachers as well have got a plenty of resources to motivate their teachers, helping to them developing leadership among them. The Russian system is very similar with the one I have seen in Kazakhstan. Being a foreigner makes it more difficult for me to understand all the key issues (almost all the meeting are held in Russian) but the ideas are simple:

-Trusful environment

-"Family like" environment in all the 8 schools (over 60 teachers for 1800 students)

-Big economical compensation for your successes. (if a local teacher works very well, his/her salary can reach 2000 dollars(!)

- IMMMEDIATE and PRACTICAL help to solve all possible problems.

-No surprises.  The school is EXTREMELY organized, so the teachers almost never have to face  impossible situations. That makes a rather relaxed atmosphere.

As far as I could see, everybody is rather motivated to continue working for this school and assuming new responsabilities.

If you have any further questions, I'll be very happy to answer to all of them.

Испулаева Алмагуль,

  Hello Flora!

 I am glad to see you in our discussion.  You really   have a great experience of teaching, because you have woorked in different countries, met different people, taught  kids and adults. As one of the folk proverb says: "That person knows more who saw  a lot, but not that one  who lives a long life". You saw a lot  and you  shared with your  observation about  activities for developing leadership among teachers in different places.  

We know exactly  that all  teachers are creative  people. Besides the head of schools  try to create all conditions for teachers to  work well (salary, freetime, schedule etc.). But nevertherless  not all the teachers  want to undertake functions of a leader. Why? 


Hello Almagul!


At this point, I believe it is essential to point out, that although all teachers are creative, well prepared and outstanding persons.... still, we have got different limits, different personalities and different levels of energy. That doesn't mean that some teachers are more or less worthy than the others. Being a leader is a huge responsability, and some teachers may think that they are not 100% ready to assume it. I knew a lot of teachers, who have been given a big responsability, and they turned out to be fantastic leaders. In their case was the lack of confidence that inhibited them to succeed (at least in the beginning), but later on their success was quite visible in the results they had. Also, a mistake is that  we all compare ourselves with other people, and sometimes this can result, that one thinks: "I'll be never be able to do this job so great as xxxxx does." This can discourage some people. Some other teachers may not accept the challenge, because they want to focus mainly on the teaching part of their job, and they are afraid of loosing quality of teaching, if they have to focus their attention in different direction. Still, I believe, that one of the key factors is the way the task is offered. For example, even though I know, that for me would not to be easy to accept leadership, still, if I see the positive attitude of of other leaders, and I understand the importance of the new tasks I will have to create, the positive effect of my work for the children, the school and the whole community..... certainly I would assume with much more pleasure the function of a leader. The possibility of making, creating something outstanding, valuable,  opening new 'spaces'  can be a big inspiration for a teacher, even though he/she knows that being a leader is not always easy....

Дуйсебаева Данагуль,

  Hello Flora!

I am so glad to greet my daughter's teacher! I fully agree with your following statements:

" Being a leader is a huge responsability" 

" Some other teachers may not accept the challenge, because they want to focus mainly on the teaching part of their job, and they are afraid of loosing quality of teaching, if they have to focus their attention in different direction."

".. being a leader is not always easy...."

Окропиридзе Татьяна,

Teachers exhibit leadership in multiple, sometimes overlapping, ways. Some leadership roles are formal with designated responsibilities. Other more informal roles emerge as teachers interact with their peers. The variety of roles ensures that teachers can find ways to lead that fit their talents and interests. Regardless of the roles they assume, teacher leaders shape the culture of their schools, improve student learning, and influence practice among their peers.

Siarl Carles,

Hi all!

I would like to give my opinion about the two questions given.

1. How can we motivate teachers to take more functions and role of the leader?

The first thing is by creating good conditions. It is not the same to work/study in a school like Murager, NIS, etc... with lots of facilities, than doing it in a rural school with no computers, enough paper, pens, chalk, and sometimes even no toilett! (as I saw in Kishkenekol, North Kazakhstan). When a teacher is provided with material stuff and the approval and backing of colleagues, directors, etc., he/she is more likely to assume those responsibilities. A second point depends on the guidance by experts or teachers who have more experience. Nobody wakes up a day and think and is successful to lead his/her students. It must be a teamwork.

2. Why  don’t  the teachers  want to take  new responsibilities / functions  of a leader?

Talking to teachers from Mongolia and Kazakhstan (where local educational systems are still very influenced by the old Soviet system; currently totally obsolete and very different from the modern Russian system), I see that one of the most important problems is lack of time and work overload. When a teacher works in school for long hours and after going home, he/she must keep on working marking homework, preparing lessons, etc. and have no opportunity to enjoy life (since teachers are not machines, although most parents think that we are just robots), he/she may think: "Why am I working? Which tasks are not compulsory, so that I can get rid of them?". He/She cannot neglect classes, marking exams and the like, but he/she will never accept any extra task or responsibility, and more when the economic conpensation is not worthy (everybody has got a price)

Nevertheless, even when conditions are favourable, there is a good guidance/supervision, etc., there will be many teachers who simply do not want to take those responsibilities. The reasons can be as many as teachers: shyness, interest on other fields (such research, personal welfare of students...) or simply inability to carry on that task.

Well, these are my impressions

Zhanat Guldana,

Hello!!!  how are you today? 

Чистякова Инна,

Hello everybody,

I think the subject of the discussion  is very interesting. Why don't teachers want to take responsobilities of a leader?

I beleive in any school there are a lot of teachers who can be  leaders of school community because of their experience, knowledge and communicative skills, but very often they have to work overload and they haven't enough time to be with their children and families. Here I agree with colleagues - teachers aren't machines. Besides, the majority of teachers in Kazakhstan schools - are women, and they usually have a lot of home duties except their work.  In my opininon these are the main reasons.

Баяхметова Гулсум,

The idea of leadership is interesting and it is necessary for our education. But to be a leader isn' t easy. Because teachers have to do not only their own professional responsibilities, but a lot of different functions. And teachers are very busy. Leaders are enthusiasts, who want their collegers to be better as professioners, and they are able to motivate them to include the new technologies into their professional process and work together. When teacers  work in teams, they will be able to share ideas to impruve their teaching. And when they see the positive results, they'll want to be leaders too.

Испулаева Алмагуль,

Dear   Colleagues

Thank you for your participating. Actually we teachers have a lot of responsibilities as at home so at work. But nevertheless beeing a teacher we must improve our knowledge, professional skills. And to my mind it is easy to do it if  we  communicate, share our ideas, give advice to each other  because every of us knows a lot and wants to know a lot. Most of collegues said  about motivation. You are right that the motivation plays one of the main role in Leadership. What is Motivation?  

It is the thoughts and feeling we have that makes us want to do something, continue to want to do something it influences: 

- why people decide to do smth.

- how long people want to do it for.

    As you know motivation is very important in language learning. Motivation helps  us make learning successful. And now I want to ask you exchange your ideas with another teacher about the ways of increasing  your students' motivation. Think about  a lesson or part of the lesson that you taught which really interested your students. Why were they intersted? How could you encourage this interest in a future lesson? Please share your ideas with us.